
Search "user:bravethetawave"

76 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - On your chess style#1

It's a common adage to say that bad chess players have no style, but this seems to assume that your style must be successful to be considered such. An aggressive 800 might develop their queen early an…

General Chess Discussion - A Vote Regarding the Etiquette on Smothered-Mates#14

only a pussy would resign such a position OP

General Chess Discussion - Elo chess ratings are accurate to the point of meaninglessness#3

Elo goes beyond 4 digits, it gets to decimal accuracy behind the scenes but is rounded off for simplicity. Why round off those but not the ones place, which seemingly is also too precise.

General Chess Discussion - Elo chess ratings are accurate to the point of meaninglessness#1

Here's some questions: Is there definitely a difference between a 1000 and 2000 rated player that are active? 1500 and 1600? 1800 and 1850? 1900 and 1901? I argue that having a fourth digit in a chess…

General Chess Discussion - Horsey is the best in the game#1

I'm an attacker and I much prefer a good horsey to a good bishop. Bishops are really overrated, horsey is sneaky and unpredictable.

Off-Topic Discussion - What kind of chess piece are you?#5

Horsey obviously

Off-Topic Discussion - Who is your favourite Harry Potter character?#17


General Chess Discussion - Question re: average player ratings#2

A lot of people here come from (not complete beginners). The starting rating every new player gets is 1500 Nobody gets to 1500 a month after learning the rules Do tactics puzzles, you'll imp…

General Chess Discussion - Improving endgame play#1

So, I'm like 2050 blitz and 2100 rapid on here having practically no dedicated study of the endgame. Most of the time I win in the middlegame, but occasionally I get some end position that is winnable…

Off-Topic Discussion - Are People Rude or Racist? Or Some.are Oversensitive?#13

