
Search "user:Musicrafter12"

10 forum posts
Game analysis - A (somewhat dubiously) hyperaggressive treatment of the Ruy Lopez#1

I was really happy with this game for a few reasons: I played well, with an acp of just 22 despite the game being only 26 moves long, and it also pushed my rapid rating up above 2050. I've been a devo…

Lichess Feedback - Please add a Chess960 category to the front page for quick pairings#1

While I like my opening theory as much as any other chess player, I do occasionally like to just throw it all away and have some fun with 960. But I can never find any games or challenges available to…

Game analysis - Another brutal crush with my pet exchange sac line#1

General Chess Discussion - How to defend a dubious attack in the Ruy Lopez?#1

I seem to run across this a lot and I frequently lose to it, which is frustrating. I am a Ruy Lopez player with the white pieces. Often, black will end up dubiously launching his h-pawn at me, sacrifi…

Game analysis - A bit of home cooking I found as my anecdote to the Berlin Defense (10. Bd3!?)#1

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else experience this?#1

I've been playing a lot over the past few days and something very peculiar has been happening. I've been playing quite a bit of slow chess (rapid) and my rating has been going up and reaching all time…

Game analysis - A really nice positional game#1

I've picked up the King's Indian Defense as my main reply to 1. d4, and I just played a really great game with it. I managed to severely cramp my opponent's position before he finally blundered materi…

Game analysis - My greatest positional masterpiece?#1

What a game this was! As a low-rated player, getting to actually play such a perfect game was an incredible feeling.

Game analysis - Playing the King's Gambit against someone 135 Elo above me? Hell yeah#1

I know the game isn't perfect and I definitely butchered the opening quite a bit. In fairness this was a rapid game and my opponent failed to capitalize on his opportunities as well which means he did…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess should add quantum chess as a variant.#1

Self-explanatory. I've been disappointed that this game doesn't appear to be playable anywhere online and there's only really the Steam app you have to pay for to get. As long as it's not copyrighted …
