
Search "user:LittleCartier"

30 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - The book and the rose day! A book for you all :)#1

Hi there! Today is the "Book and the rose day" in my country, and the tradition is that people give books or/and roses as a gift. The main streets of cities and towns are full of street bookstores and…

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Off-Topic Discussion - The First Four Episodes Of Game Of Thrones Season 5 Just Leaked#5

hmmm...I supose that if I manage to see the first one I cannot stop watching the others three, although now I am a bit disconnected after so much waiting time. have somebody of you seen them?

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Off-Topic Discussion - One Word Story#220

Once upon an island exploded. Mayhem ensued, but in caves wolves survived. Bourbon whiskey intoxicated poachers defenestrated through a kick ontogenesis upon you. Howsoever the vegetables that bifurca…

Off-Topic Discussion - One Word Story#218

Once upon an island exploded. Mayhem ensued, but in caves wolves survived. Bourbon whiskey intoxicated poachers defenestrated through a kick ontogenesis upon you. Howsoever the vegetables that bifurca…

Off-Topic Discussion - One Word Story#195

Once upon an island exploded. Mayhem ensued, but in caves wolves survived. Bourbon whiskey intoxicated poachers defenestrated through a kick ontogenesis upon you. Howsoever the vegetables that bifurca…

Off-Topic Discussion - One Word Story#189

Mayhem ensued, but in caves wolves survived. Bourbon whiskey intoxicated poachers defenestrated through a kick ontogenesis upon you. Howsoever the vegetables that bifurcate, relentlessly destroyed eve…

Off-Topic Discussion - One Word Story#188

(hahahaha I'm laughing all the time when I read (or remember) this touching story)
