
Are you a designer? You can help

In order for lichess to be featured on the chrome web store, I need a promotional image of 440x280.

This is what I've done:

It's awful, I know. I suck at design. Can you help and propose something better? Please go ahead and post your image here!

Here is some info about how the image should be :
Looks good to me - plain & simple, plus the knight looks to the left as it should!
You can't really criticize simple vector geometry, but that knight is not simple vector geometry. It has its mouth open like it's constipated.

Conversely, this class project I rendered when I was 16 is not simple vector geometry,
but, it's kind of crooked (floating-point piece coordinates, knights are all facing each other cause of my own preferences) and doesn't have any Lichess-specific stuff in it besides the basic color

3d Studio Max sucks like 512 MB of memory. mb would have to resign 512 games on this site with that colossal piece of shit open, lagging everything up to hell.

oh but anyway, I think it's just that knight graphic there that needs work...I am not a Photoshop-talented person though I did do some retexture graphics
on second thought.

compared to pics above, thibault's knight doesn't look so bad.

...Soo anyway, used to do wild compositions with Paint Shop Pro and stuff, but now I'm too relaxed with simple vector stuff. A more fundamental icon would look great though.
Hm, I guess so. Except for that knight obviously. :D I'm just a simple geometric artist, although, that sort of is what Lichess is about: simplicity. Maybe just under-confident.

I have this really insensitive, sexual comment about those old piece sets, but I'm trying to confide it XD
'Confide' or 'Confine'? Let it all hang loose, my friend - you know you want to!

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