

I'm not entirely sure, but I recall one game where I missed a forced mate about 5 or 6 times with an otherwise fairly equal position, and then I think I moved into a forced mate twice as well that my opponent missed. The advantage graph for that game was hilarious.

I want to say the end result was somewhere around 10-12 blunders for each of us. In our defense though, it was a highly open and complicated position and the mates were hardly academic for beginning-to-intermediate level players. I believe I was about 1250 classical rating then on an old account.
The worst game I ever played was when I was two pieces up in the middlegame and then went down a piece (i.e blundered three pieces) and my opponent accepted a draw in a winning position! Hilarious! Was a pretty bad player at that game.
It was the game where I played one blunder too many, lol! ^^

But seriously, maybe around six or seven. I analyze my own games only very rarely.

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