
How to play against the accelerated kings indian

Hi guys,

I've recently played against a 2200 player and these 2200 players always seem to surprise me in the opening (I'm 2070 fide and about 1900 knsb). Recently I've faced this opening idk the name of but the kings indian with a quick f5 without nf6.

I always play the saemisch kings indian with white and get pretty good results. I really enjoy playing this opening.

at which point i took at h6 andd then queen h4+ followed and I really didn't get much out of the opening. I checked some lines with the engine but in most lines the engine shows no advantage to white.
F3 probably isn't that great anyway for white, but I thought I could do with my regular setup. In hindsight I regret that.

Any recommendations for interesting lines in this system?

You should look into at tree/db because every move matters exactly - general advise is not easy. Bh6 (which is even protected by the Ng8 in your game) Bxh6 Qh4+ has been known since medieval manuscripts though.
6 f3 seems weak. Developing a piece or even 6 h4 seem more appropriate.
Maybe trying to force a Saemisch against this particular move order isn't the best thing to do? I think 5.dxe5 might be worth investigating at least, because 5...dxe5 6.Qxd8+ Kxd8 7.f4 ! should be a bit unpleasant for black.
You already understood that black could be able to play some sort of turbo King's Indian. So if you play the move d5, you really must know what you are doing. If you won't come up with something special, exactly this scenario will happen. is nothing. The logical move obviously is 5.Nf3 to keep the tension. Sorry, you can't always play your system (Saemisch), you have to react precisely to every move by your opponent.
5 dxe5 looks interesting. I'll give that a try next time.
Bd3 after a5 preventing f5 because if f5 exf5 Bxf5 Bxf5 and Qh5+ is better for white. Actually its more Modren defense type position than Kings indian defense.

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