
If all Lichess users unanimously agreed to take over Luxembourg we could probably do it.

I know someone who is in Luxembourg right now applying for citizenship. Would it be disloyal to warn him of the impending invasion by the Lichess mongrel horde?
Great idea. Give me a minute to check Google Maps for the best route from Texas to Luxembourg... Oh, nevermind.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #33:
> @lukesears
> Please provide update on plan to storm Luxembourg.

I guess we should try taking a smaller country like Liechtenstein first and then work our way up to Luxembourg. You gotta learn how to check before you can checkmate, you know? Liechtenstein stands no chance with it's 40,000 people against our 1,000,000. The land we claim will be known as The Democratic Republic of Lichess. Good luck everyone! #LichessVsLiechtensteinAndThenLuxembourgAfterwards
Nice plan.
Will definitely work.
After conquering Liechtenstein, we will aquire the land and things there.
Then it would be easy to invade Luxembourg from there but how to invade Liechtenstein.
Some population of Lichessians belong to Liechtenstein. We need their help.
They can provide us great help with information.
Let's start discussing with them.
well maybe. how many of these guys know how to fight. will we really be that organized. Luxemburg has an organized government/military. With guns and trained men. So we really have to think what percent of lichess users can do what trained militants can do.
So what's the battle plan? Do the blitz players attack first followed by the rapid players in 30 days and then the classical players 90 days later as reinforcements (120 if they have to travel over 40 miles)?
@lukesears said in #1:
> There are about 650,000 people living in Luxembourg, and about 700,000 active Lichess blitz players. If we assume that 70% of active Lichess users play blitz, then that gives us a total of about 1 million Lichess users, which sounds pretty accurate. That means we outnumber the Luxembourgers 3 to 2. The time is now. #LichessVsLuxembourg
why would we want to take over luxembourg i like ur calculations but yeah, and also some users have multiple acc
another think is luxembourg prolly has allies

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