
Improving Blind Mode?

Hi ALl,

I'm getting back into Lichess, and was wondering how to suggest improvements to the accessibility/blind mode. Currently, I enjoy correspondence games, but can't seem to enjoy puzzles, as I have no way to enter my proposed moves.

More over, there are a number of simple web accessibility fixes, which could be used to make the interface a little more friendly. I'm a web accessibility professional, so this kind of thing is particularly noticeable to me.

Is there any way to contact the developers directly?
Developers attempt to be equally responsive to the following (if developers picked a favorite, that particular means would get flooded):
1. This Lichess Feedback forum
2. Lichess Discord
3. Contact email
4. GitHub

While it is possible to message individual developers often they'll recommend one or more of the above media.
I'm a blind Lichess player as well and would also like to suggest improvements to the blind mode. I already suggested improving the puzzles a few weeks ago on this forum, but I ddidn't receive an answer from lichess.

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