
Please consider adding puzzle theme "mate threat"

Hi! I see this again and again in puzzles that something is kind of a fork tactic, but one "leg" of the fork is not the king or a piece but the threat of mate in the next move, and that causes a quasi-fork effect. Labeling these puzzle as fork is arguably not the best move (and it's not what I do). Please consider introducing a puzzle theme "mate threat" so that I can label these puzzles more accurately. Thank you!
I would say the problem is that the description of fork in the Puzzle themes page ("A move where the moved piece attacks two opponent pieces at once.") is a bit misleading/incomplete, fork is a move where the moved piece threatens two or more squares at once, emphasis on the word squares. Usually the threat is to capture piece on one of said squares, but not always. So I think that improving the "Fork" description texts is the correct (and probably also easier :-) ) solution.
@Autofill said in #4:
> Isnt that just quiet move?

It is, also, but it's arguably multiple things at once.

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