
Would you rather...

1) Have smelly feet or bad breath?
2) Know how you die or know when you die?
3) Only eat spicy food for the rest of your life or never be able to eat spicy food again?
4) Be able to converse with animals or speak every language?

(You don't have to answer all of them)
I wasted 15 seconds .. I type fast.. 30 seconds if you count this post
1 neither
2 neither
3 neither
4 the reason I like animals more than people is they don't speak.but telepathy with animals is quite cool. Being able to speak every language would be quite cool , but as nearly the whole world can speak English now , I need not worry and as I am completely inept at learning languages this is great for me. xxx
1) I would rather have smelly feet--bad breath can be taken care of easily, but bad breath can be most inconvenient and disgusting in a social setting. I think people won't go out of their way to smell one's feet, but having a private conversation is harder when one has bad breath.
2) I would rather know when I will die, because then I could make plans and get my affairs in order...knowing how I will die won't be as useful to me.
3) I would never eat spicy food again. Some spicy foods don't agree with me. I'd rather not elaborate, so I won't.
4) I would rather speak every language. Knowing every language would allow me to communicate more effectively with some of my neighbors...and I would know if people were being openly hostile to me in a foreign language.

Keep in mind that I might someday change my answers. For now, this is how I answer these questions.
@kit_kat1122 said in #1:
> 1) Have smelly feet or bad breath?
> 2) Know how you die or know when you die?
> 3) Only eat spicy food for the rest of your life or never be able to eat spicy food again?
> 4) Be able to converse with animals or speak every language?
> (You don't have to answer all of them)
well i have smelly feet and smelly breath as YOU ALL HAVE dont lie
and im going to die saying "I TOLD YOU SO"
and i hate spicy food...
and I LOVE ANAMALS but imagine how annoying it would be to here every dog complaining about there gross food "ughhh why are you feeding me meat in a CAN again poooooooo" but i would love it sadly most animals dont have the intellect to have real conversation dogs can say there feelings but... they do that through body language if they are hungry at dinner time they will whine if they are happy they wag there tails if they are scared they put there tail between there legs and so on :D sooooo i would chose to be THE BEST linguist EVER XD

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